Authors should submit an abstract of their original, unpublished work in not exceeding 300 words excluding figures and tables. The abstract must be uploaded in Submission Link.
All registered abstracts will be published in ISBN numbered conference proceedings. As part of the conference, we are pleased to announce the opportunity to submit a full manuscript for consideration in special issues. Should you wish to participate, kindly submit the 4-page short communication by email to on or before October 30, 2023. The selection of papers for the special issue will be based on the quality of the short communication and presentation at the conference. Once the abstract is considered for special issue, you are required to upload the full manuscript in the journal website against the special issue before the given deadline (Usually the deadline for submitting the full manuscript in the journal will be in January or February 2024). In case of any difficulties or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at For the most up-to-date information about the conference, we encourage you to visit the conference website.
Kindly be aware that the short communication you submit will be handled as confidential content. It will be utilized to determine whether to invite you to submit a full-length manuscript for a special issue in appropriate journals.